Better Dogs Training

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Train your Dog to Sit & Stay

Training your dog to sit and stay is one of the most fundamental skills you can teach, and it’s a great starting point for any new dog owner. These commands not only help manage your dog’s behaviour but also strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

Why Teach Sit and Stay?

Teaching your dog to sit and stay is essential for their safety and your peace of mind. Whether you’re at home, in the park, or out for a walk, these commands can help you control your dog in various situations. Plus, they lay the groundwork for more advanced training.


Teaching Your Dog to Sit

  1. Get Your Dog’s Attention: Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose.

  2. Lure into Position: Slowly move the treat up and over your dog’s head. As they follow the treat with their nose, their bottom should naturally lower to the ground.

  3. Mark the Behavior: As soon as your dog’s bottom touches the ground, say “sit” and give them the treat along with lots of praise.

  4. Repeat: Practice this several times a day in short sessions until your dog sits reliably on command.

Teaching Your Dog to Stay

  1. Start with Sit: Begin with your dog in the sitting position.

  2. Introduce the Stay Command: Hold your hand out in front of you like a stop sign and say “stay.”

  3. Add Duration: Wait a few seconds, then reward your dog with a treat and praise if they stay in place. Use a release word like “okay” to let them know they can move.

  4. Increase Duration and Distance: Gradually increase the time your dog stays and the distance you move away from them. Always return to your dog to give the treat, rather than calling them to you.

  5. Add Distractions: Once your dog can stay reliably, start adding distractions. Practice in different environments and with various distractions to strengthen the command.

Tips for Success

  • Use High-Value Treats: Choose treats your dog loves to keep them motivated.

  • Be Consistent: Use the same commands and hand signals every time.

  • Keep Sessions Short: Dogs learn best in short, frequent sessions.

  • Stay Positive: Always use positive reinforcement. Avoid punishment, as it can create fear and anxiety.

If you’re struggling with training, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer

Example Training Session

  1. Sit Command:

·       Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose.

·       Move the treat up and over their head.

·       As their bottom touches the ground, say “sit” and give the treat.

  1. Stay Command:

    • With your dog sitting, hold your hand out and say “stay.”

    • Wait a few seconds, then reward with a treat and praise.

    • Gradually increase the duration and distance.

By following these steps and being patient, your dog will learn to sit and stay reliably. Happy training!