General obedience dog training involves teaching your furry friend essential commands and behaviours to ensure they become well-mannered and cooperative companions.

In our training we will coach you and your dog too;

  1. Basic Commands

    • Sit:  sit on command. It helps with impulse control and allows you to manage your dog’s behaviour in various situations.

    • Down (Lie Down): This command encourages your dog to lie down calmly. It’s useful for relaxation and preventing jumping

    • Stay: Training your dog to stay in one place until released is crucial for safety and control

    • Come (Recall): A reliable recall command ensures your dog returns to you promptly when called

    • Heel: Teaching your dog to walk calmly beside you on a loose leash is essential for enjoyable walks

  2. Positive Reinforcement:

    • Use rewards (such as treats, praise, or playtime) to reinforce desired behaviours

  3. Consistency:

    • Use a set of cues and gestures consistently to avoid confusing your dog

    • Keep training sessions short and frequent to maintain focus and prevent boredom

  4. Socialisation:

    • Expose your dog to various people, animals, and environments