Better Dogs Training

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Reactivity in dogs refers to an exaggerated response to a trigger in their environment. When a dog is reactive, they may exhibit behaviours such as barking, lunging, and growling. For instance, if a dog sees a stranger on a walk, a non-reactive dog might show little interest or a friendly desire to approach. However, a reactive dog could react intensely, making it challenging for their owner to maintain control during walks

On the other hand, aggression occurs when a dog perceives a stimulus as a direct threat and responds physically, often by biting or nipping. Unlike reactivity, aggression involves behaviour with the intent to harm. It’s essential to differentiate between these two behaviours because they have distinct underlying motivations. If you encounter a dog displaying either of these behaviours, understanding the difference can help you respond appropriately and address their needs.

In our training we will coach you and your dog too;

1. Identify Triggers: Identify the specific triggers that set your dog off

2. Positive Reinforcement: Reward-based training methods. Reward calm, non-reactive behaviour

3. Desensitisation: Gradually expose your dog to the triggers in a safe place

4. Counterconditioning: Pair the trigger with an indentified positive

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